Baja cactus info
Cardón cactus, Pachycereus pringlei
by Bob Chamlee

Many first time visitors to Baja mistake this giant cactus for the ecologically similar saguaro cactus (Carnegiea gigantea), another inhabitant of the Sonoran Desert. However, the saguaro does not live in Baja and while there are a few stands of cardón found across the Gulf of California on the Mexican mainland, they seldom occur near the saguaro. The Sonoran Desert in Baja California can be divided into distinct sub-regions: the San Felipe, Vizcaino, Magdalena, and Gulf Coast Deserts. The cardón has adapted to all of these sub-regions and is also found in the tropical dry forests of the Cape. In many of these areas, the cardón is the predominant plant, and may be found growing in large tracts of forest. These large stands of the tall columnar cacti are called ''cardonales''.
The cardón grows best in the deeper soil of the alluvial fans of arroyos and other waterways. The cardón can be found between sea level and about 950 meters (3200 feet) in elevation from near El Rosario in the north, to the tropical Cape region at the southern tip. The cardón occupies only the relatively frost free regions of the Baja deserts, being confined by the freezing temperatures to the areas of Baja south of 31.2 degrees N. The seeds of the cardón will sprout only in the warm wet conditions following the tropical late summer rains or ''chubascos'', which bring most of the seasonal precipitation to many of these desert regions. Another factor limiting geographical distribution is that germination of seeds is best when air temperature exceeds 40 C, but soil surface temperatures remain under 70 C.

Cacti that depend upon these bats for pollination usually produce light, or white colored flowers, with a deep-throated, bell shape. Flowers are located on the upper portion of the plant and remain open only one night. They also produce copious amounts of nectar, a distinctive odor to attract bats, and a thick layer of pollen that coats the rim of the flower. The lesser long nosed bat (Leptonycteris curasoae) spends its winters in southern Mexico. Its annual migration northward is timed to coincide with the flowering

The return migration of the lesser long nosed bat south from the deserts of Arizona in the late summer is during the cardón's fruiting period. The bats feast on the ripe cactus fruit, helping to spread the seeds. Many types of birds also feed on the fruit of the cardón, which is about 5 cm. in diameter (around the size of a golf ball) and has

The main threats to the mature cardón are overgrazing by cattle, clear cutting by humans, and a little understood disease, called ''flat top decay'' which causes the withering of the top of the cactus. The disease is not widespread, and does not currently appear to threaten the cactus population. The cardón, like the other columnar cacti of the Sonoran Desert, has survived the harsh, arid conditions for thousands of years by its ability to adapt. Future studies may use genetic markers to further study the pollination and breeding structure of this cactus, and its ecological interdependence with the lesser long nosed bat. These studies may be crucial to the successful survival of many species of desert cacti, and even the Sonoran Desert ecosystem itself.
If you enjoyed this, check out the rest of our Los Cabos Information pages:
CIBNOR. 2001. Conservation of exceptional stands of the giant cardon cactus in Baja California Sur, Mexico.
Fleming, Theodore H. 1989. Climb Every Cactus. BATS. Vol 7, No 3:3-6.
Fleming, Theodore H. 1991. Following the Nectar Trail. BATS. Vol 9, No 4:4-7.
Fleming, Theodore H. 2000. Pollination of Cacti in the Sonoran Desert (Abstract). American Scientist. September-October 2000.
Hamrick, James L. 2001. James L. Hamrick, Research Professor. Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1970.
Larson, Peggy. 1970. Deserts of America. Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Minch, John A., Edwin S. Minch, and Jason I. Minch. 1998. Roadside Geology and Biology of Baja California. Mission Viejo, CA. John Minch and Associates, Inc.
Ricklefs, R. E. 2001. The Economy of Nature, fifth edition. New York. W.H. Freeman and Company.
Roberts, Norman C. 1989. Baja California Plant Field Guide. La Jolla, CA. Natural History Publishing Company.
Tinoco-Ojanguren, Clara, and Francisco Molina-Freaner. 2000. Flower orientation in Pachycereus pringlei (Abstract). Canadian Journal of Botany. 78: 1489-1494.
Turner, Raymond M., Janice E. Bowers, and Tony L. Burgess. 1995. Sonoran Desert Plants: An Ecological Atlas. Tucson. The University of Arizona Press.
Valiente-Banuet, Alfonso, Maria Del Coro Arizmendi, and Alberto Rojas-Martinez. 1996. Nectar-Feeding Bats in the Columnar Cacti Forests of Central Mexico. BATS. Vol 14, No 2:10-11.
Zwinger, Ann. 1983. A Desert Country Near the Sea. New York. Harper & Row, Publishers.
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